40th Cycle
- Carotenuto Germano, Biagio Gioacchino Miraglia. The Theatre of Madness, Phrenology, and Revolution; supervisor: Prof. Laura Di Fiore; co-supervisor: Prof. Vinzia Fiorino (University of Pisa);
- Esposito Lorenzo. Iniusta locupletatio and animus donandi: Usury in the Debate Between the 12th and 15th Centuries; supervisor: Prof. Roberto Delle Donne.
- Rebollo Alessio. Suburbicarian Italy in the Constantinian and Post-Constantinian Era: Genesis, Economy, and Administration; supervisor: Prof. Umberto Roberto.
- Tabacchino Tatiana. Naples’ Contribution to Colonial Biology: From the Liberal Age to the End of the Fascist Empire; supervisor: Prof. Andrea D’Onofrio.
39th Cycle
- Centofante Giulia. Intersex: The Concrete Experience of Normalized Bodies; supervisor: Prof. Elisabetta Bini; co-supervisor: Prof. Emmanuel Betta (Sapienza University of Rome).
- De Vita Stefano. Italian Iconoclasm; supervisor: Prof. Francesco Senatore; co-supervisor: Prof. Eleni Sakellariou (University of Crete, Greece, also responsible for issuing the double degree).
- Gargiulo Syria. Neapolitan Publishing: Censorship and Translation During the Restoration Period; supervisor: Prof. Laura Di Fiore; co-supervisor: Prof. Diego Carnevale.
- Marino Carla. In Search of New Paradigms for Teaching History in Upper Secondary Schools; supervisor: Prof. Andrea D’Onofrio; co-supervisors: Massimo Cattaneo and Francesco Senatore.
- Moracas Flavia. The Defense of Suburbicarian Italy in the 5th Century AD: Army, Society, and Military Control of the Territory; supervisor: Prof. Umberto Roberto; co-supervisor: Prof. Pierfrancesco Porena (Roma Tre University).
- Orlo Lorenzo. “Les enfants du peuple” in 18th-Century Paris; supervisor: Prof. Massimo Cattaneo; co-supervisor: Prof. Vincent Denis (University of Rouen Normandy, also responsible for issuing the double degree).
38° Cycle
- Baffo Marco. The Peace Occupation System of Fascist Italy: The Case Study of Albania; supervisor: Prof. Andrea D’Onofrio.
- Chiari Gianmarco. Enemies of God and Allies of God: Emperors and Deities in the 4th Century AD; supervisor: Prof. Umberto Roberto; co-supervisor: Prof. Mar Marcos (University of Cantabria, Spain, also responsible for issuing the double degree).
- Di Benedetto Paolo. The Aeolid of Asia in the Roman Age; supervisor: Prof. Giovanna Daniela Merola; co-supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Saldutti.
- Limatola Davide. Deconstruction of News and Information Agents in the Modern Age: Relations Between the Turk and the Italian States in the Medicean Archives of the 17th Century; supervisor: Prof. Pasquale Palmieri.
- Stanca Stefano. The Alienation System in French Morocco; supervisor: Prof. Teodoro Tagliaferri; co-supervisors: Prof. Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) and Dr. Silvia Falconieri (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, also responsible for issuing the double degree).
- Matteo Ascolese. Facing the Exceptional: Disaster Communication, Informal Powers, and Political Strategies in the Spanish Monarchy of the 17th Century; supervisor: Prof. Manuel Rivero Rodríguez (Complutense University of Madrid); co-supervisor: Prof. Domenico Cecere.