PhD Students

40th Cycle

  1. Carotenuto Germano, Biagio Gioacchino Miraglia. The Theatre of Madness, Phrenology, and Revolution; supervisor: Prof. Laura Di Fiore; co-supervisor: Prof. Vinzia Fiorino (University of Pisa);
  2. Esposito Lorenzo. Iniusta locupletatio and animus donandi: Usury in the Debate Between the 12th and 15th Centuries; supervisor: Prof. Roberto Delle Donne.
  3. Rebollo Alessio. Suburbicarian Italy in the Constantinian and Post-Constantinian Era: Genesis, Economy, and Administration; supervisor: Prof. Umberto Roberto.
  4. Tabacchino Tatiana. Naples’ Contribution to Colonial Biology: From the Liberal Age to the End of the Fascist Empire; supervisor: Prof. Andrea D’Onofrio.

39th Cycle

  1. Centofante Giulia. Intersex: The Concrete Experience of Normalized Bodies; supervisor: Prof. Elisabetta Bini; co-supervisor: Prof. Emmanuel Betta (Sapienza University of Rome).
  2. De Vita Stefano. Italian Iconoclasm; supervisor: Prof. Francesco Senatore; co-supervisor: Prof. Eleni Sakellariou (University of Crete, Greece, also responsible for issuing the double degree).
  3. Gargiulo Syria. Neapolitan Publishing: Censorship and Translation During the Restoration Period; supervisor: Prof. Laura Di Fiore; co-supervisor: Prof. Diego Carnevale.
  4. Marino Carla. In Search of New Paradigms for Teaching History in Upper Secondary Schools; supervisor: Prof. Andrea D’Onofrio; co-supervisors: Massimo Cattaneo and Francesco Senatore.
  5. Moracas Flavia. The Defense of Suburbicarian Italy in the 5th Century AD: Army, Society, and Military Control of the Territory; supervisor: Prof. Umberto Roberto; co-supervisor: Prof. Pierfrancesco Porena (Roma Tre University).
  6. Orlo Lorenzo. “Les enfants du peuple” in 18th-Century Paris; supervisor: Prof. Massimo Cattaneo; co-supervisor: Prof. Vincent Denis (University of Rouen Normandy, also responsible for issuing the double degree).

38° Cycle

  1. Baffo Marco. The Peace Occupation System of Fascist Italy: The Case Study of Albania; supervisor: Prof. Andrea D’Onofrio.
  2. Chiari Gianmarco. Enemies of God and Allies of God: Emperors and Deities in the 4th Century AD; supervisor: Prof. Umberto Roberto; co-supervisor: Prof. Mar Marcos (University of Cantabria, Spain, also responsible for issuing the double degree).
  3. Di Benedetto Paolo. The Aeolid of Asia in the Roman Age; supervisor: Prof. Giovanna Daniela Merola; co-supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Saldutti.
  4. Limatola Davide. Deconstruction of News and Information Agents in the Modern Age: Relations Between the Turk and the Italian States in the Medicean Archives of the 17th Century; supervisor: Prof. Pasquale Palmieri.
  5. Stanca Stefano. The Alienation System in French Morocco; supervisor: Prof. Teodoro Tagliaferri; co-supervisors: Prof. Rémy Bazenguissa-Ganga (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) and Dr. Silvia Falconieri (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, also responsible for issuing the double degree).
  6. Matteo Ascolese. Facing the Exceptional: Disaster Communication, Informal Powers, and Political Strategies in the Spanish Monarchy of the 17th Century; supervisor: Prof. Manuel Rivero Rodríguez (Complutense University of Madrid); co-supervisor: Prof. Domenico Cecere.