The PhD in Historical Studies is a three-year program, that provides students with good abilities to think history – Ancient, Medieval, Modern, and Contemporary – from an interdisciplinary perspective and beyond conventional boundaries, with a focus on interactions, connections, and comparisons both within and outside such major geo-historical spaces as the Mediterranean, the European, and other cultural regions of Eurasia and the “New World”.…
Bando Scuola dottorale “Mondi mediterranei”
BANDO DI CONCORSO SCUOLA DOTTORALE DI ALTA FORMAZIONEMondi mediterranei e Italia meridionale nel Medioevo “Jean-Marie Martin”XIII Seminario internazionale Frontiere politiche e confini culturali nel Medioevo mediterraneoRoma, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo 23-26 giugno 2025
Institutions and Political powers, 2024-2025
Programma del modulo a cura di Laura Di Fiore e Mar Marcos: 1 seminario e otto lezioni di 2h nei mesi tra gennaio e marzo 2025. Modalità mista o esclusivamente online. I docenti forniranno anticipatamente un breve abstract e un paio di saggi o di fonti da leggere prima della lezione Seminario Di fronte alla rivoluzione: conflitto, violenza e gestione istituzionale 22 gennaio 2025,…
Call for Papers: The Exercise of Power and its Limits
II INTERNATIONAL PhD STUDENT AND RESEARCHER CONFERENCE The Exercise of Power and its Limits: Dissent, Contestation and Repression from Antiquity to Contemporary Age 15 – 16 May 2025 Deadline for applications: September 20th, 2024 Organising committee: Marco Baffo, Gianmarco Chiari, Giuseppe Consolo, Simona Puca, Paolo Santagata, Stefano Stanca
Italian-Chinese Dialogues: A Series of Doctoral Seminars in the Humanities
The Italian-Chinese Dialogues emerge within the framework of the agreement between the University of Naples Federico II and Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. They aim to foster dialogue, intellectual exchanges, and research collaborations between Italian and Chinese doctoral students in the field of humanities. These dialogues occur every month and seek to bring together diverse cultural and academic traditions, enhancing a more accurate understanding…
Doctoral Program: Public Presentations
Every year, the doctoral program in Historical Studies is presented to students in master’s degree programs:
Memorie, identità e uso pubblico della storia nel contesto europeo
Seminario di studio: Memorie, identità e uso pubblico della storia nel contesto europeo. 12 aprile 2024, ore 10:00-13:30, Aula ex-Cataloghi lignei di via Porta di Massa 1, 80133 Napoli. Nel pomeriggio, alle 15, seguirà nella stessa sede la presentazione del libro di Vittorio Beonio Brocchieri, Immagini del tempo e della storia nella modernità. Uno sguardo critico, Carocci 2022.
Umberto Roberto was appointed Director of the Italian Institute for Ancient History
Umberto Roberto, a distinguished scholar and full professor of Roman History at the University of Naples Federico II, has been officially appointed Director of the Italian Institute for Ancient History, one of the most prestigious institutions in the field of historical research. This appointment, which will last six years (2024-2030), not only confirms Prof. Roberto’s outstanding contribution to the understanding of ancient history but…
Program of the conference of Ph.D. and Ph.D. students “Traces of Identity”: Feb. 26-27, 2024
Program Conference abstracts and panels
Call for pre-selection: China Scholarship Council (CSC) grant
Call for pre-selection for a.y. 2024-2025 to join the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Naples PhD program with a China Scholarship Council (CSC) grant. We are conducting interviews to select 4 Ph.D. student candidates to apply for a CSC full Ph.D. grant to enroll in the Ph.D. program of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Naples for the…
Call for Papers: I International PhD Students and Researchers Conference “Traces of Identity”
Call for Papers I INTERNATIONAL PhD STUDENTS AND RESEARCHERS CONFERENCE Traces of Identity: Expressions, Manipulations, and Persistences from Antiquity to the Contemporary Age (26-27 FEBBRAIO 2024, Sala Lignea, ExCataloghi, di via Porta di Massa, 1, Napoli) People possess multiple identities because they occupy multiple roles, are members of multiple groups and social categories, and claim multiple personal characteristics, yet the meanings of these identities…