Call for pre-selection: China Scholarship Council (CSC) grant

Call for pre-selection for a.y. 2024-2025 to join the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Naples PhD program with a China Scholarship Council (CSC) grant.

We are conducting interviews to select 4 Ph.D. student candidates to apply for a CSC full Ph.D. grant to enroll in the Ph.D. program of the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Naples for the academic year 2024-2025. The deadline for the CSC application is the 31st of March. To issue the endorsement letter required for the CSC application, the Dept. of Human Sciences accepts candidates in History, Philosophy, and Digital Humanities.

Interested candidates need to provide a cover letter with a brief self-introduction, the area of interest and a summary of the submitted material, a Curriculum Vitae with a list of achievements and publications, and a statement of past research via email to

Prof. Roberto Delle Donne:

Prof. Nicola Russo:

before the 3rd of March 2024, with the subject “2024-2025 CSC@History_Philosophy_UniNA: applicant name”.

PhD programs are published here:

  1. Historical Studies:
  2. Philosophical Sciences:

The selection will consist of the submitted material and an online interview from a steering committee composed by

  1. Prof. Elisabetta Bini, Contemporary History, History of International Relationships, Gender Studies.
  2. Prof. Domenico Conte, History of Philosophy (particularly of the 19th and 20th centuries), History of Culture, Theory and History of Historiography.
  3. Prof. Roberto Delle Donne, Medieval History, Methodology and History of Historiography, Digital Humanities.
  4. Prof. Luigi Laino, Theoretical Philosophy, Philosophy of Scientific Knowledge, Philosophy of Mind.
  5. Prof. Umberto Roberto, Roman History, Migration during Late Antiquity, Culture and Religionduring Late Antiquity.
  6. Prof. Nicola Russo, Theoretical Philosophy, Anthropology of Technique, Ontology, Ancient Philosophy.

Students interested in long visits or joint PhD programs are also invited to apply and indicate, in the cover letter, which kind of CSC grant they are interested in applying to. 

The interview will be arranged as soon as we receive applications and until the positions are filled. The admission notices will be sent to the CSC candidates no later than the 28th of February.

Prof. Andrea Mazzucchi

Director of the Department

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