
Empires in History and Historiography

(Codice Teams: m9skjns)  PRIN 2020ETFH3Y_001Myths of Legitimation and Government of Difference in the European Imperial Regimes during the Modern and Contemporary Age I. Theoretical framework 1. Thursday 7 April 2022, 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Aula Biblioteca Salvatore Battaglia, Porta di Massa 1, Sezione di Filologia modernaTeodoro Tagliaferri (Università di Napoli Federico II), Gli imperi nella storia mondiale: una messa a fuoco storiografica  II. Antiquity   2.…

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San Pietro Martire

Doctoral call 2022

The University of Napoli Federico II launched the 38-cycle call for applications for the Ph.D. program in Historical Studies:; APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 19th, 2022, 15 p.m. (CET); Research Project: Outline Template; Assessments of Qualifications and Project Proposal; Oral Assessment Results